Insights gathered from the journey called Life

Friday, December 22, 2006

the out of towner

Today is officially the first day of my Christmas vacation. A friend had invited me to spend Christmas with her and some other friends I met recently. The long drive to Las Cruces was tedious but when I got there, it was worth it. Boy, did my body ache all over. My friends and I did some shopping. It exhausted my strength and my pocket ... rar! Tomorrow we will be driving to El Paso... I wonder what happens next.

A quick edit to this entry(1/03/07)... I enjoyed my visit to Las Cruces and El Paso immensely. Too bad, I wasn't able to go back for the New Year's Eve celebration, but no matter, I have felt well-rested and revived. And now, back to work!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Roswell Tea Party

Last Thursday, I had the privelege of being invited by a dear friend to a tea party in one of the churches here in Roswell, Alien Country. I've never been to one before so I was naturally intrigued and excited at the same time. What do people do aside from drinking tea and eating scones and other goodies? To my surprise, it wasn't the usual thing I suppose (how would I know what the usual thing is, I've forgotten I've never been to one,silly me.) It was more of a program. Yes, there were numerous tables with different themes decorated by some of the ladies there. The sight was just spectacular! I should've brought my camera... I cannot begin to describe the creativity that was put on each theme. My friend and I chose the table with the giveaways we liked. (Oh, did I mention that each table had different giveaways? yup,yup,yup!) There were a couple of numbers presented ... then we came to the most awaited part. The church's pastor's wife invited her spiritual mentor for this occasion as a gift for all the ladies. And she indeed was a gift. I really admire her humility as she did not even want her accolades mentioned. To my knowledge, that lady was a renowned inspirational writer and actor. She was a rising Hollywood star when God called her into the ministry..... so, the lady began to do a monologue of Mary, Jesus's mother. I was amazed at how well her lines were brought to life... lines that were based from the Word of God. She continued on with her monologue with exhortations in between to us spectators. I was moved that I couldn't keep the tears that have been welling up in my eyes from falling. Oh, what a blessing and what favor from Him who is Favor and grants favor to whom He wishes to bestow it upon. I can not but be filled with joy, awe and wonder for the One who sits on the throne, the Most High God, my Creator, my Redeemer and Friend! I went home with my hope, my joy and my strength renewed. To God be the glory!

Psalm 5:12 For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favor wilt thou compass him as with a shield.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

a little refreshed

I went to Albuquerque just over a week ago for a seminar and boy did I get a break. It was what I needed. It truly refreshed me inside out. I guess, as my Ma puts it, I just need to get out of town once in a while so I don't get burnt out. I met wonderful new friends who gave me new perspective with regards to my profession. Now, instead of rushing with my future plans, I am taking some time with making my move. Work is practically the same but my attitude is different. I feel my joy restored and I thank the Lord for that. Afterall, the joy of the Lord is truly Mai's strength (pun intended.)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Prayer Is the Battle

Words cannot begin to describe the countless times God has impressed the importance of prayer upon my heart. Indeed, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Lately, when I start to pray, so many things (or concerns, if you may) come up, diverting my mind and heart away from prayer. The Father knows that I sincerely desire to be an effectual fervent prayer warrior and at the same time be able to regularly study the WORD. I've been under attack by enemy, that's what's keeping me. But God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I am resolved to utilize intentionally and regularly the power of God's WORD and the power of prayer.

Tower Of London

Friday, October 20, 2006

a little breath of fresh air

I just finished some paperwork...but there's some more. One thing I've learned is that they never go away so I'll just have to deal with them one day at a time (sounds like the title of a song...mmmm) I seem like I'm burnt out...boy, do I need a break. Maybe I'll take one when all these get done. I need to regroup. Thinking about taking some days off already makes me feel better. Now, where should I go....

Monday, October 16, 2006

So Now What?

Help! I'm drowning in paperwork. Is there an end to this (silly question, of course there is!) It's just that time of the year where requests for evals are pouring in... I can barely keep up with them especially with other things that need to be done as well. That's life I guess. I take in the good with the bad. Anyway, I have just removed the resume I posted on the internet over a week ago. Since then, I have received countless offers from prospective employers. How liberating it truly is to know that I can work anywhere with my job specs but now what? Am I making the right decision? I pray to God I am. The job I'm in is getting old. I need a change (as the song goes, "...time for a cool change..") The truth is, I find myself leaning more and more towards relocating to Washington state... I am anxious on which way to go. What a big decision to make! But I trust that the Lord will guide me. He always has and He always will....... I rest on that thought.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Living A Life of Integrity in the Midst of Babylon

I'm on the 6th week of the women's bible study I'm taking at my church (Beth Moore's Study on Daniel....and guess what, I found a pic that appropriately represents this entry's title!) I am constantly amazed at how inexhaustible God's word is. So many times in the course of the study, the Holy Spirit has convicted me of secret sins that I've never told anyone about or even admitted to myself. I've reached to a point where I am able to say "I'm alright in this aspect of my life...and so on," only to find out that I'm still a mess. But one thing's for sure, by the grace of God, I am a work in progress... a vessel God intended for things holy and pleasing unto Him, not to be perverted for unholy purposes. Afterall, "the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which liveth in us and we are not our own...."

When God Stirs

When God stirs up something in your life, He has a purpose. I've had for the longest time resigned to the idea that I was going to work in the schools for life...not! 2 weeks ago, I went with a couple of ladies in my church to watch Dennis Jernigan in concert/ join him in worship in a nearby town. This lady, bless her heart, asked me while we were on our way, what I was planning to do next with regards to my career... I began with much confidence that I was going to stay in Roswell for a very long time. She encouraged me to try out other pastures given the fact that I have been blessed with a job that gives me opportunity to work anywhere. And because I am young (I think.) Since then, the thought has filled my mind. And to top all that, various things have come up at work that had made me think of moving.... Is God trying to tell me something? Maybe He is. How scary! But yes, at the same time, very exciting. I have yet to see what happens next.